Friday, 27 May 2016

Silver room learning activity

Class assemblies

Today at Bush Hill Park the students were presented with the work that indigo class has done this far th S term, from addition and subtraction in maths, to short stories in literacy and ball games in PE. What a great way to recap the students learning and show the parents just what happens in school on a daily basis!
Amethyst class still has 4 weeks before our turn but the students are already buzzing with ideas for their turn!

Friday, 6 May 2016

Friday Silver Room Task

IPC: Look Hear!

Hey Class, your task today is to find out the following and copy it down in your books in your own words:
***** Remember to use student friendly websites!*****
The Ears

  1. How do we hear?
  2. What are the important parts of the ear?
  3. how does sound travel?
  4. What are sound waves?
  5. What is a frequency? what are the different kinds? (give one example for each)


The Eyes

  1. How do we see?
  2. What are the different parts of the eye?
  3. What does it mean to be color blind?